Darfur Genocide

May 5, 2016

The genocide in Darfur began in 2003. It still continues to this day (as of 2016). It refers to the mass killing of Darfur poeple in Western Sudan. It is the first genoicide of the 21st century. It started after two civil wars in Sudan, both of which occured after it became independent from Britain in 1956. During the 1980's, after much competition for land and resources, oil was discovered in Western Sudan.

It is being carried out by The Janjaweed, which is an Arab militia which is financially supported by the government. The Janjaweed burn down Darfur villages, pollute their water sources, and murder Darfur people. Janjaweed translates to "Devils on Horseback". So far, Darfur 2.8 million people have been displaced and 480,000 Darfur people have been killed. The population of Darfur people is estimated to be around 6,000,000.

The Sudan Liberation Movement and the Justice and Equality Movement oppose the Janjaweed. Peace agreements have been attempted, but have been failures. In 2006, The SLM, the JEM, and the Sudanese government negotiated the Darfur Peace Agreement was made, but was a failure. In 2008, the UN issued a mission to send 26,000 troops to protect the Darfur civilians, but only 9,000 troops were sent and were not properly equipped. Because of these failures to protect the peace, the conflict still continues to this day.


